Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cereal Aisle Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cereal Aisle Analysis - Essay Example What was immediately noted once a full comparison was made between consumer behavior and activity upon other aisles as compared to the cereal aisle was stark. Ultimately, consumers would proceed through the other aisles in something of a robotic fashion; oftentimes shopping based upon price alone. Although there were more than a few deviations from this which were noted (namely with regards to purchases such as salad dressing and/or a desire to purchase a name brand when it came to spices or flavoring), the broad majority of consumer action that was noted upon the other aisles as compared to the cereal aisle was concentric upon a desire to purchase the lowest priced item and/or the store branded alternative. However, when many of these individuals approached the cereal aisle, a different level of consumer behavior was served entirely. As such, rather than choosing the cheapest brand or being particularly health-conscious, another aspect consumer behavior that was noted on many of the aisles, individuals invariably gave in to their basic desires and preferences. This was noted as a far greater majority of branded cereal was the choice of the consumer and a much higher percentage of extraordinarily unhelpful cereal was chosen as compared to store branded/healthy alternatives. As has been defined earlier in this analysis, the individuals within the grocery store in question were specifically interested in the overall price structure and healthfulness of the food item in question. However, when they proceeded to the cereal aisle, these concerns invariably were thrown to the wind (Hurley & Lieberman, 2005). This deviation from standard consumer behavior is perhaps a very good
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Self Evaluation of Teaching Style in Nursing Education
Self Evaluation of Teaching Style in Nursing Education As a Lecturer in acute and critical care I am responsible for the education of adults with a formal registered, recordable qualification within a medical discipline, predominantly nursing and allied professions. I have a varied role, that of my own practice, education in practice and as a Lecturer within a University. I am a registered Nurse and Paramedic with experience of teaching and mentoring others. This critical self evaluation aims to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theoretical educational frameworks and their application to my teaching, mentoring and how this may influence my colleagues and students. My intention is to show my appreciation of pertinent concepts and their application to my teaching style through a range of research into relevant topics. The term â€Å"Education†is derived from the Latin root ‘e out and ‘ducare to lead, so ‘educare has been translated for English interpretation â€Å"To Lead, to bring Forth from that which is within†. Epistemology, a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods and limits of human knowledge has been considered by key thinkers for centuries. Pedagogy is the study of teaching. As an example, Paulo Freire , referred to his teaching of Adults as â€Å"critical pedagogy†. Andragogy, a term initially used by a German Educator in 1883 and developed into a theory by Knowles, is the process of engaging adult learners within a structure of learning. Knowles asserts Andragogy should be considered separately to Pedagogy. Knowles assertion lies in the belief that a Greek translation of pedagogy is â€Å"Child-leading†and Andragogy is â€Å"man leading†. Like all adult learners Nurses, Paramedics and Health Visitors differ widely from one another in their personal characteristics. These differences come from alterations in intelligence, motivation, personality types and our individual learning styles. Human physical development completes at adulthood therefore we could be forgiven for believing that this is the same for psychological development. The main theories underpinning adult learning are from the humanistic approaches of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, Malcolm Knowles and his work on the experiential learning approach within Androgogy, and David Kolbs extension of Knowles work with the Learning Cycle. Pedagogy is the study of teaching. Paulo Freire referred to his teaching of Adults as â€Å"critical pedagogy†. Androgogy is an educational approach characterised by student centred, self directed learning. (Merriam, 2001). Carr (2002) identifies we [humans], are all different and in particular our values, personalities and character are resistant to explanation and understanding. We do not lend ourselves to easy explanation and understanding in terms of the chemical, physical or biological construction. Carr (ibid), considers attempts to categorise education and our learners. He cites the doctrine of Rene Descartes known as Cartesian Dualism, the idea that minds and souls are separate to that of our physical bodies. Curzon (2004) states the most influential taxonomy of learning objectives is that of Bloom, an American psychologist from the University of Chicago, â€Å"Blooms Taxonomy†. Taxonomy is a formal way to classify a subject based on a belief of relationship within. (Curzon, 2004) suggests caution with the semantics surrounding Taxonomy in education. The study of science for example refers to taxonomy as a strictly ordered classification of objects and phenomena. Bloom however classifies areas such as â€Å"Knowledge†and â€Å"synthesis†. These classifications are unlike that of specimens of human anatomy such as a muscle fibre or mitochondria; these may be seen, discussed and placed within a hierarchical order based on size. Placement of ‘analyses or ‘appraisal within a category used by Blooms Taxonomy will lend itself to a degree of subjectivity and appears to support Cartesian Dualism. The great classifiers, Li Shih-Chen (1518-93) and Linnaeus (1707-78) when creating taxonomy reacted subjectively whilst following an ordered fashion (Curzon, 2004). There have been three clear models of learning offered that have been of particular influence in education. Cognivist, Behaviourist, and Humanist. Cognitive, assimilation and accommodation of the world. Behaviourist, a scientific positivist approach to learning. Humanist, wishing to empowered the learner. Piagets theory of cognitive development discusses an intellectuals adaption to an environment while intellect develops. (Piaget and Inhelder, 1969). According to Piaget (ibid) for this adaption to occur there must be a form of organisation within the individual. Schemas (organisational or conceptual patterns of the mind) are ways the individual makes sense of an environment. Schemas are like small inner theories that develop during infancy and become more complex as development continues. When a child is involved in a new situation they will have already formed schemas. They will assimilate the new situation and if the original schema appears inadequate they will modify it in order to make sense of the new situation. For example an apple is green therefore all fruit is green until they are given a banana. Piaget explains this as â€Å"assimilation and accommodation†. Piaget theorises that assimilation and accommodation are in balance and a dynamic process allowing for an individuals learning to develop. Levinson (1986) has further developed a model of adult development. This identifies four major periods and attempts to place adulthood into specific times of change. Levinsons theory, although sound, has yet to be widely accepted. I have taught across Levinsons methodology and unknown to me at the time created schemas (Piaget) of my own in order to engage with the range of adult learners within my groups. An example of this is a day teaching a class of Qualified Nursing Students studying towards a higher degree, the youngest in her early twenties and the oldest in her fifties. I requested feedback on the various teaching styles employed and asked for an anonymous score for each element taught. The day consisted of a variety of Presentations, Quiz style papers, group work and student presentations. I will revisit these results later in this paper while exploring the different ways in which people learn but I am attempting to theorise if older students may be better acquainted with more didactic approaches to education because of internal schemas made in earlier styles of teaching encountered in contrast to the more diverse nature of current teaching processs encountered by younger students? The feedback shows that although the group enjoyed the learning process, the employed seemed to please some more than others. A further consideration of this feedback shows that the older members of the class preferred to sit and listen to a constructed more didactic approach liking the group work and personal research less than the younger students. Rogers seeks to explain different ways adults engage in Education and places them into three categories. (Rogers, A 2002) These categories are listed with examples of my own educational involvement. Formal I deliver formal education for Post Registration students working toward higher academic standard within a university setting. Extra-formal I have taught on Courses run by other learning providers. Students working in mostly unrelated areas but obtaining a certificate. Informal I have taught my hobby to others for their own personal growth. Contributions from Kolb (1984) and Knowles (1984) led to Kolbs Androgogy. Kolbs Androgogy allows for a style of education that includes the experiences of its learners. Students are actively encouraged to consider their experiences and reflect upon them in order to improve learning outcomes and understanding. Reflecting on these experiences will allow for modification of cognitive structures (schemas) and this will enable preparation for the next cycle of experiential learning. Motivation of the student. This is a personal reflective list of my motivation to study the theory of Education and how it relates to practice as an example to be considered as we moved through some of the theory of motivation. My work requires me to achieve a Qualification in Education I want to be an excellent teacher I would like my students to enjoy learning with me I need my students to be able to learn with my guidance. Adult motivation is considered an important factor in the learning process. Theories of motivation assume that adult learning is with purpose and leading toward a goal. To explain motivation we reflect the views of different schools of psychology. The behaviourist views motivation as environmental rather than coming from within an individual. This approach is determined by how well things went before. If attending a course was considered dull and uninteresting they will not return and therefore their course attendance behaviour has been reinforced. Maslow (Maslow, A 1971) published the ‘Theory of Human Motivation. Maslow identifies motivation in an individual as them trying to grow. He believes that at any particular time an individuals behaviour is dominated by the stronger of his/her needs. Maslow arranges these into a hierarchy of needs. Each class of need is stronger than the one above in the hierarchy. The higher up the hierarchy the weaker the need becomes. Progression up is dependent on the individuals needs being met at a particular level. Maslows hierarchy of needs ranges from the very basic needs of food and warmth to the self actualising, the fulfilment of ones potential. If I stop to consider my motivation expressed above against Maslow I can see that I am aiming for self actualising, wanting to be an excellent teacher. I am looking to fulfil my full potential. However at the same time I am fulfilling some more basic needs by requiring a qualification in order to feed my family and pay my mortgage. This seems to disagree with Maslow and his theory that one basic need must be fulfilled before moving on to the weaker higher need? (although, of course I am not without food or shelter, yet!) According to Quinn I am not alone with my critique of Maslows theory. There are many documented incidents of people becoming highly creative despite a lack of basic needs; for example, in concentration camps in World War Two. So this theory suggests that my students will most likely be able to reach their own potential if they are at the top of Maslows hierarchy. If this is true then student accommodation will truly have improved also! The opponent-process theory, (Solomon, 1980); focuses on the emotional state. When an emotional reaction is generated within an individual an opposing reaction is also generated. The opponent- process theory For example a student Paramedic is finding the nervous system difficult to understand but has a Eureka moment; this triggers emotion A and B. Emotion A) pleasure, a student is pleased she now grasps the concept of neuro- transmitters and believes she can understand pain control and maybe pass her course, this also generates an opposite emotional state, B) displeasure but in lesser amounts, she may forget. Emotion B) remains the same at all times but each time emotion A) is triggered it increases in size. I like this theory, in essence it comments that emotions are an act of balance, homeostatic if you will and we can choose to increase the positive aspect of learning experiences creating happy students. Continuity with positive reactions within our students will continue to add to emotion A) allowing it growth and the student to retain a positive outlook with her education and the way it is delivered. This theory also explains why although a student is doing well with their studies they may also feel negative emotions. It has been criticised for being over general but I believe it is useful to understand that both positive and negative emotions are within our students continually but can be offset. I therefore must be mindful that I can also reverse the process leading to unhappy students. Psychologists have attempted to categorise motivation. They are presented under four headings. (Biggs, 1991) Instrumental motivation This type is described by Biggs as extrinsic, students are performing purely to receive a reward, such as a qualification or to avoid a reprimand such as loss of promotion. In order to educate an individual with this type of motivation Biggs suggests that teaching should be seen as constructive. This type of motivation is in complete contrast to intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation These students want to learn for the pleasure of learning. I would link this to Maslows hierarchy and believe a student with purely intrinsic motivation must be, according to Maslow, looking to fulfil their personal potential, (self actualising). Social motivation A drive to please others and receive approval or praise lies behind this form of motivation. The student is generally unconcerned by the qualification but requires the reinforcement activity of the person they consider to be important. This is often someone they respect or admire. Achievement motivation. These students want to achieve success. Achievement motivation is further sub divided by (Ausubel, 1963) Cognitive drive- satisfaction of a believed need to know. Self enhancement- satisfying a need for self esteem Affiliation- seeking approval from others. How we Learn Kaminsky, James S, A New History of Educational Philosophy, Westport, CN: Greenwood Press. Carr, David 2002, Making Sense of Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Theory of Education and Teaching, Taylor Francis, Available from: http://lib.myilibrary.com/Browse/open.asp?ID=11208loc=iii8 December 20 Curzon, L.B 2004, Teaching in Further education: An Outline of Principles and Practice, 6th Edition. Continuum London. New York Merriam, S.B. (2001) Androgogy and self directed learning: Pillars of adult learning theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Vol98. Kaufman DM, Mann KV, Jennett PA. 2000. Teaching and learning in medical education: How theory can inform practice. Edinburgh UK: Association for Studies in Medical Education, Rogers, A 1996, Teaching Adults, 3rd Edition, Open University Press Levinson, D.J (1978) Seasons of a Mans Life. New York: Knopf. Solomon, R.L. and Corbit, J.D (1974) An opponent process theory of acquired motivation, American Psychologist, 35, 119-41 Solomon, R.L. (1980) The opponent process theory of acquired motivation: the costs of pleasure and the benefits of pain, American Psychologist, 35, 691-712 Maslow, A. (1971), The farther reaches of Human Nature, penguin,Harmondesworth. Biggs, J.B. (1991), Teaching for Learning, Hawthorn, Victoria, Acer Ausubel (1963), The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning. New York: Grune and Stratton Light, G and Cox,R (2001), Learning and Teaching in Higher Education-The Reflective Professional, London, Sage Publications
Friday, October 25, 2019
Temperate Deciduous Forest :: essays research papers
Temperate Deciduous Forest Geographical location- The Temperate Deciduous Forest is 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south of the equator. This climate can be found in the north in North America, Europe and Asia. In the south, the climate can be found with South America, Australia, and Africa. Climate facts- the average temperature is 50 degrees (24 degrees celsius) and its high is 86 degrees, this factor depends on the altitude of the forest. The temperate deciduous forest receives an average yearly precipitation of 2 to 5 feet, and the humidity of the forest is 60% to 80%. Soil- The soil in this climate is very fertile due to falling leaves, twigs, logs, and dead organisms. Fall- the leaves begin to lose their green color as the chlorophyll inside the leaves goes away. The red and orange that is always associated with fall come into play now, since they are always in the leaf, the only reason the leaf is green is because chlorophyll are inside the cells, but during the cold weather the trees loses the chlorophyll. Layers of the Temperate Forest 1.     Tree stratum- tallest layer, 60- 100 feet high, with large maple woods, oaks, beech, chestnut, hickory, elm, basswood, linden, and walnut. 2.     Small tree or sapling layer- short and young trees. 3.     Shrub layer- huckleberries, azaleas, and mountain laurels. 4.     Herb layer- short plants 5.     Ground layer- lichens, club mosses, and true mosses. Three types of organisms Primary producers- such as trees, shrubs, grass, mushrooms, wild flowers, berries. Primary consumers-this group is comprised of mostly small animals and insects, such as mosquitoes, chipmunks, mice, squirrels, and seed eating birds. These organisms depend on the primary producers, for food and shelter.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Diffusion Coefficient Apparatus Essay
General Start-up Procedure: ïÆ'Ëœ Prior to running an experiment, students are advised to perform the following startup procedure. ïÆ'Ëœ Fill the water with clean (preferably filtered) water to approximately 20 mm from the top. ïÆ'Ëœ Plug the main cable to the electrical supply. Be sure that the voltage of the supply is correct to suite the equipment. ïÆ'Ëœ Switch on the main power on the control panel. ïÆ'Ëœ Adjust the set-point value on the temperature controller to 500C. Warning!! Do not set the temperature controller beyond 700C. Switch on the heater. Observe the water temperature heats up to 50 0C and remain constant. The equipment is now ready for experiment. Priming procedure for capillary Tube: Before using the capillary tube in an experiment using acetone, students are advised to clean the inside of the tube. ïÆ'Ëœ Prepare a weak solution of detergent. ïÆ'Ëœ Use the Hirschman pipette to fill the tube with the solution. Tapping the of side of the tube may be necessary if the solution is trapped and does not flow down. ïÆ'Ëœ Turn the tube upside-down and shake. Empty the tube. ïÆ'Ëœ Repeat steps 2 to 3 with acetone. ïÆ'Ëœ The tube is now ready for student experiment. General Shut-down Procedure: ïÆ'Ëœ After the completion of an experiment, students are advised to shut down the equipment as follows: ïÆ'Ëœ Switch off the heater and air pump. ïÆ'Ëœ Adjust the set-point value of the temperature controller to approximately 5 degree below the room temperature. ïÆ'Ëœ Allow the water to cool down until it is safe to touch. Open the drain valve and empty the water tank. ïÆ'Ëœ Detach the flexible tubing and clean the capillary tube for next use. (Refer to priming procedure) ïÆ'Ëœ Switch off the main power. Unplug the main cable if the equipment will not be used for a long period. EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVE: To determine gas diffusion coefficient of acetone using the established Winkelmann’s method. Procedure: 1. Perform the start-up procedure. 2. Partially fill the capillary tube with acetone to a depth of about 35 mm. 3. Carefully insert the capillary tube through the fitting on the top of the water bath cover. Do not over-tighten the fitting. 4. Observe the initial level of acetone through the telescope. Record the level of acetone. 5. Connect the flexible tubing from the air pump line to one end of the capillary tube. Switch on the air pump. 6. After 30 minutes, switch off the air pump. Disconnect the flexible tubing and close the two capillary tubes ends with the cap provided. Observe and record the level of acetone. 7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 at 30 minutes intervals. ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION: Plot t/ (L-L0) against (L-L0).Determine gas diffusivity, D from the obtained slope, S. Compare the experimental value with the theoretical value that can be predicted from empirical equations (e.g. modified Maxwell’s equation by Gilliland).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Original Sin: A Cultural History Essay
â€Å"Original Sin: A Cultural History†has been written by Alan Jacobs. What makes this book distinctive is that it is a â€Å"cultural history†of original sin, not a work of theology or spirituality though, it does engage with some theological work, predominantly with Augustine. It is an exemplary history not because it represents excellence that other historians would do well to emulate, but because it makes its case through examples. It highlights narratives about people, people who engage in a serious and considerate way with the idea of original sin, whether by accepting it, refusing it, or brawling with the possibility of it. It is an appealing book though it doesn’t answer all the questions about the doctrine but it is more or less not fair to criticize it for that as it was not Jacob’s intention to write a work of theological history. What makes it so useful is its assessment of how the doctrine has inclined literature, philosophy, politics or in short, how it has influenced Western culture. An indispensable question through the time has been whether human nature is basically good or basically evil. If it is good, general human development may be assumed; if it is intrinsically faulty, then the American Founders were right in proclaiming that nature has to be constrained by justice. Though some people have suggested that original sin is the only empirically provable Christian doctrine, however, views vary on what original sin is. In this deep, original, and witty book, Professor Alan Jacobs displays wide learning worn lightly as he scrutinizes the views of writers like Benjamin Franklin and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jonathan Edwards and C. S. Lewis, and Sigmund Freud and J. R. R. Tolkien. The concept of original sin predates Christianity, Jacobs points out, citing not only Genesis 3, in which Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and are expelled from Paradise, but also Psalm 51, which declares that humans are conceived in sin and born in iniquity. â€Å"The universality of sin,†Jacobs concludes, â€Å"is certainly a Jewish belief. †He explains that the traditions of both Eastern and Western Christianity, though changeable in their details, have that God created human nature intrinsically good. The writer is of the view that goodness must require freedom if it is not to be robotic, and that Adam and Eve freely chose their own will over that of God, thus consigning original  ¬sin. All humans take part in original sin, whether it is passed on from generation to generation through time, or whether the whole human race decides in one everlasting moment to disobey  ¬God. In the book, Jacobs efficiently defends Augustine against the many attacks against him, demonstrating that doctrines of original sin similar to Augustine’s headed him by at least two centuries in both the East and the West. Jacobs quickly neglects the belief that original sin was  ¬sexual.  ¬Adam and Eve practiced free sex in Eden before their expulsion. Original sin is the initial declaration of human pride against God. Augustine did maintain that original sin, once it existed, was inherited through generations, in the same way that today we understand genetic flaws are passed on. Contrary to another common misconception about Augustine, he was obdurate that the source of sin does not lie in the body but rather in the corruption of the will. Writer’s most unique and thought provoking argument is that original sin has strong self-governing impli ¬ca ¬tions. Refutation of original sin leads to elitism. For instance, the Duchess simply refuses to believe that she shares a common nature with the  ¬self–righteous people who trust that they can make themselves good by stacking up a higher pile of good deeds than of bad ones. Another point that the writers emphasizes is that no one receives the full brunt of his rage as much as Rousseau and the myth of the noble savage. Writing of the â€Å"Wordsworthian fluff†about the innocence and wholesomeness of children,†he argues, â€Å"certainly I have always wondered whether those who talk about ‘childlike innocence’ have had children of their own or even spent much time around them. †When he narrates the sad outcome of the child of an intellectual who was sent to Rousseau to be raised according to the philosopher’s indulging theories in Emile, he notes that the boy never afterwards took well to education of any kind. He became a sailor and ultimately immigrated to America, dying in North Carolina at the age of thirty-two. †At least Jacobs is honest in not repressing his Schadenfreude over the underdeveloped moral growth of the young man. This of course raises a perfectly valid question that how profitable is this book for a nonbeliever? Jacobs, as prominent, never hides his positions, and he certainly lays out a historically informed defense of what many have considered a most destructive doctrine that grew out of the particular self-loathing anti-humanism of Paul and Augustine. If I see myself on such position on the doctrine of original sin, I personally agree with the concept of the original sin as discussed by the writer in this book. It illuminates that original sin has strong independent impli ¬ca ¬tions. It also illustrates that the basis of sin does not lie in the body but relatively in the dishonesty of the will. On the other hand it obscures or doesn’t explain the answer to the vital question that whether the human nature is good or evil. If it is good, general human progress can be understood; if it is intrinsically faulty, then it can be concluded that nature has to be constrained by justice.
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