Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Political Power in the Prince by Machiavelli Essay
Machiavelli contends in another significant work that the reason for governmental issues is to advance a â€Å"common good.†How does this announcement identify with the thoughts Machiavelli presents in The Prince? The way that two of Machiavelli’s most noteworthy and most well known deals with political force appeared on account of the ruin of his own political profession is very amusing. Increasingly unexpected anyway is the manner in which he negates his announcements in each book about the reason for political force. As recently expressed, one of Machiavelli’s significant works, alluding straightforwardly to The Discourses on Livy (1517), contends that the reason for political force is to advance a â€Å"common good†. In the interim, The Prince presents a ruler less stressed over the â€Å"common good†and increasingly worried about keeping up and extending political force no matter what. â€Å"Laws make men good,†states Machiavelli in book one of the talks, after a long clarification about how men made legislative issues to make request. From the start men looked for the most grounded and boldest among them to form him into a pioneer they could comply. Machiavelli at that point says: â€Å"From this start came acknowledgment of what is appropriate and acceptable, rather than what is malicious and wicked.†However, as time went on, the individuals got more enthusiastically to fulfill and governmental issues turned out to be increasingly entangled. New types of government and laws were made so as to maintain the individuals in control in light of the fact that as he states in The Discourses: â€Å"men will never be acceptable, with the exception of by necessity†. Straightforward pioneers turned into the dictators he advances in The Prince. They tried to be dreaded by their kin so as to be obeyed and look after force. In The Prince the pioneer is not, at this point the most grounded and the boldest, yet the reasonable, progressively insightful. The pioneer is one that can foresee things, for example, bad form and scheme and end it before it can bring about additional issues in his legislature. The Prince talks about numerous ways for a clever pioneer to administer his state and perhaps a couple of these advance the â€Å"common good†of the individuals, and it isn’t even genuine normal great. In The sovereign, the presence of a typical decent is a higher priority than having it as a reality. A ruler must seem, by all accounts, to be straightforward and acceptable however doesn’t fundamentally must be. I accept the connection between Machiavelli’s two messages on the motivation behind political force is that one portrays what governmental issues were made to be while the different examines what they have really become and how to keep them that way. Rather than a â€Å"common good†it goes more along the lines of what is useful for the ruler. While the announcements repudiate each other more than once, I accept the writings to be to some degree integral as in alone, they each give an alternate side or perspective on what legislative issues really are, while perusing them the two gives the peruser an extended, progressively complete comprehension, not just on what governmental issues are and how to keep up that political force, yet additionally on why it must be that way â€Å"for the benefit of the people.â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School Composing letters of proposal is for the most part some portion of an employees work. Understudies need these letters to get into graduate schools. Without a doubt, graduate school entrance advisory boards for the most part wont acknowledge applications that do not have these significant letters since they mirror the educator or employees appraisal of an understudy candidate. Understudies need not feel weak in the process since they do, in reality, have a lot of impact over the letters that employees compose. While educators depend on an understudies scholarly history recorded as a hard copy letters of proposal, the past isnt the only thing that is in any way important. Educators impressions of you are significant as well - and impressions continually change dependent on your conduct. There are things you ought to maintain a strategic distance from to guarantee that the teachers you approach for letters see you in a positive light. To stay away from issues, dont: Misjudge a Faculty Members Response Youve requested that an employee keep in touch with you a letter of proposal. Cautiously decipher his reaction. Frequently employees give inconspicuous prompts that show how strong a letter they will compose. Not all letters of suggestion are useful. Truth be told, a tepid or to some degree nonpartisan letter will accomplish more damage than anything else. For all intents and purposes all letters that graduate entrance advisory board individuals read are extremely positive, for the most part giving shining acclaim to the candidate. In any case, a letter that is essentially acceptable when contrasted and remarkably positive letters - is really hurtful to your application. Inquire as to whether they can furnish you with an accommodating letter of suggestion as opposed to just a letter. Push for a Positive Response Once in a while an employee will decrease your solicitation for a letter of suggestion out and out. Acknowledge that. She is helping you out on the grounds that the subsequent letter would not support your application and rather would thwart your endeavors. Hold up Until the Last Minute Employees are occupied with educating, administration work, and research. They exhort numerous understudies and likely are composing numerous letters for different understudies. Give them enough notification so they can take the time required to compose a letter that will get you acknowledged into graduate school. Approach an employee when he has the opportunity to talk about it with you and think about it without time pressure. Dont ask preceding or after class. Dont ask in a foyer. Rather, visit during the educators available time, the occasions expected for collaboration with understudies. It regularly is useful to send an email mentioning an arrangement and clarifying the reason for the gathering. Give Unorganized or Inaccurate Documentation Have your application materials with you when you demand your letter. Or on the other hand follow up inside several days. Give your documentation at the same time. Dont offer an educational plan vitae one day, and a transcript on another. Anything you give the teacher must be liberated from blunders and should be perfect. These reports speak to you and are a marker of how genuine you see this procedure just as the nature of work you will do in graduate school. Dont cause an educator to need to approach you for fundamental documentation. Disregard Submission Materials Incorporate program-explicit application sheets and archives, including sites to which personnel submit letters. Dont neglect to incorporate login data. Dont cause workforce to request this material. Dont let an educator plunk down to compose your letter and find that she doesn't have the entirety of the data. On the other hand, dont let a teacher attempt to present your letter on the web and find that she doesnt have the login data. Surge the Professor. An amicable update sent up to 14 days before the cutoff time is useful; in any case, dont surge the educator or offer different updates. Neglect to Express Appreciation Your teacher set aside the effort to compose for you - at least an hour of his time - so set aside the effort to express gratitude toward him, either verbally, or by sending a thank you letter or note. Recollect that you need your letter journalists to be feeling acceptable when they compose your suggestion and to like you and their choice to help your application to graduate school. Compose a card to say thanks to your recommender and when you request another letter later on (and you will - either for another doctoral level college program or even work), the employee will be significantly more prone to think of you another accommodating and positive suggestion letter.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees
The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft Fees The Ridiculously High Cost of Bank Overdraft FeesWhen it comes to sky-high interest rates, predatory payday loans and cash advances cant hold a candle to the fees banks charge when you overdraft your checking account.Anyone with at least a few thousand dollars in their bank account can spend money relatively freely without worrying about bank overdraft fees. Sure, they can’t just buy a couple boats out of the blue, but they can probably get groceries and gas without having to constantly check their account balance.For everyone thats living paycheck to paycheck, however, the threat of overdraft fees is constant and can quickly make a terrible financial situation even worse. It might not be debtor’s prison, but getting fined for not having money feels sort of Kafkaesque.So how bad are overdraft fees and how can you avoid them? Overdraft fees are heftyâ€"and profitable.Bank overdraft fees are pretty significant and widespread. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s some bac kground on the current overdraft fee situation in America from Ilian Georgiev, CEO of Charlie, a text-based AI penguin financial advisor:“We’re facing a plagueâ€"of bank fees. In 2017, Americans paid a mind-blowing $34.3 billion in overdraft fees alone (not including all the other abused bank fees paid!), the most paid since 2009 during the end of the Great Recession.“On average in 2017, 38 percent of Charlie users overdrafted and paid $270 in feesâ€"the equivalent of a month of student loans, eight months of wifi, or a smartphone upgrade.â€Bank fees tend to be around $35 or higher, and they can be charged multiple times in a short span of time. Some banks will also charge additional fees as time goes by on an overdrafted account. If you don’t immediately realize your account is overdrafted, those fees can quickly add up and you could be looking at hundreds of dollars worth of fines.So why do banks charge overdraft fees?To make money. Next section!OK, to be fair, banks clai m that overdraft fees are used to prevent bounced checks. But you can also get hit with an overdraft fee from trying to make an ATM withdrawal when you don’t have adequate funds, so that explanation might not be fully comprehensive.“The short answer and the truth as to why overdraft fees are so high is there is no federal law regulating what a bank can charge,†explained RJ Mansfield (@DebtAssassin1), consumer’s rights advocate and author of Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit. Its a major source of income for many banks that charge from $25.00 on the low end to $38.00 at the top.â€So how can you avoid these fees?Avoiding these fees.The simplest way of avoiding overdraft fees is to make sure that you always have enough money in your account before paying for anything or withdrawing any funds. But just because it’s the simplest method doesn’t mean it’s the easiest. It’s a pain to constantly check your balance, and if you have any auto-payments set up, it’s easy for your account to become depleted without you even realizing it. There has to be a better way!Well, there is. Actually, there are multiple better ways.“There are overdraft protection agreements that link other accounts within your bank to your checking account to cover checks that would normally overdraw your account,†advised Manfield. “This service often involves a fee which will be substantially less than an overdraft charge.â€You can also go the app route.“Overdraft protection apps like Dave will advance you money ahead of your paycheck in the case you would otherwise have no money and incur an overdraft fee,†offered personal finance writer Dustyn Ferguson (@dustyndream). “These types of services are fairly cheap, with the Dave app costing just $1 a month. Even if you incur overdraft fees on average just once per year, this $1 a month fee will still save you money!â€While not an app, Georgiev explained how Charlie, his chat-based financial a dvice AI, can prevent overdraft fees: “With Charlie, no fee will go unnoticed or get in the way of other, more useful expenses. On average, users have $114 in fees/yearâ€"but with Charlie they can track their spending, set up alerts, etc. to avoid putting any hard earned cash towards bank fees and to make sure their finances stay in shape.â€You can check out our app directory for some more suggestions for tools that could help you prevent overdrafts.Setting up overdraft protections can be a hassle, but it’s much less of a hassle than dealing with overdraft fees. Getting out of a tough financial situation is hard enough without facing additional fines for not having enough money. But if you can remove the threat of overdraft fees, it’ll be one less thing to worry about on your journey to financial improvement.To learn more about how your finances safe from outsized fees, predatory lenders, and even outright scammers, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Wha t You Should Look for in a Prepaid Debit CardSo Your Package Got Stolen … Now What?A Field Guide to Spotting Predatory LendersHow to Avoid Getting Insta-Scammed on InstagramWhat are your best tips for avoiding overdraft fees? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsDustyn Ferguson (@dustyndream) is the personal finance aficionado behind Dime Will Tell. He often blogs about his experiences and shares his secrets when it comes to making and saving more money to achieve financial success.Ilian Georgiev is the co-founder and CEO of Charlie, a text-based personal assistant that helps average Americans worry less about money and have access to personalized financial advice. Prior to co-founding Charlie, Ilian was a Product Manager and the Head of Product in mobile gaming at Pocket Gems and Chobolabs. There, Ilian launched and scaled multiple chart-topping apps that have generated over hundreds of millions of revenue across hundreds of millio ns of users. When he’s not building penguins that talk about money and save you from your bills, Ilian enjoys sailing and using emojis in all parts of his life. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Mathematics from Vassar College and an M.B.A. from Stanford.RJ Mansfield (@DebtAssassin1) is a consumer’s rights advocate and author of Debt Assassin: A Black Ops Guide to Cleaning Up Your Credit.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Imperefct Charity in Bartleby, the Scrivener Essay
One typically displays acts of charity for the love of mankind or benefit of society. However, differentiating whether a generous deed reflects altruistic behavior or selfishness can be difficult. In Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener, the lawyer performs charitable conduct toward Bartleby to acquire self-approval and an honorable conscience. The lawyer employs Bartleby, a lifeless man, as a copyist for his law firm. In the beginning of his employment, Bartleby works efficiently. However, Bartleby soon begins to deny the tasks assigned to him with the statement, I would prefer not to (1184). While irritated at Bartlebys response, the lawyer disregards his behavior. Typically, this type of behavior would result in†¦show more content†¦This demonstrates that the lawyer provides charity exclusively for self-gratifying motives and without concern for the wellbeing of Bartleby. As the lawyer continues to generously employ Bartleby for his own personal fulfillment, he eventually becomes annoyed with Bartlebys repetitive rejections of his assigned tasks. The lawyers anger escalates to a point where he physically attacks Bartleby, and for a split second, contemplates murdering him. Yet, the lawyers thoughts of murder cease when he recalls the divine rule, to love one another. Nevertheless, the lawyer goes on to explain that the main principle which drives charity is a great safeguard to its possessor (1197). The lawyer indicates a sensibility to loving Bartleby because of the direct benefit to himself. The lawyers love for Bartleby does not derive itself from generosity, but the mere self-interest [that] prompt all beings to charity and philanthropy (1197). In this particular case, the lawyer selfishly performs charity for fear that he might be imprudent enough to murder Bartleby. The lawyer portrays his self-interest when he moves his office and abandons Bartleby, due to his negative affect on the business. Because Bartleby continues to annoyingly dawdle around the old office, the lawyer attempts to rid the building of Bartleby, for the lawyer is fearful of being exposed (1201) and criticized by the public. Clearly, the lawyer speaks to Bartleby in hopes of relieving himself from any
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Citizenship and Government in Henry Thoreaus Civil...
Citizenship and Government in Henry Thoreaus Civil Disobedience Philosophers, historians, authors, and politicians have spent centuries pondering the relationship between citizens and their government. It is a question that has as many considerations as there are forms of government and it is rarely answered satisfactorily. A relatively modern theorist, author Henry Thoreau, introduced an idea of man as an individual, rather than a subject, by thoroughly describing the way a citizen should live many of his works. He indirectly supplements the arguments he presents in his essay Civil Disobedience through a comprehensive selection of adages found in his other works. In particular, the phrases A simple and independent mind does not†¦show more content†¦The only real power the State holds over any individual is the promise of brute force; it never intentionally confronts a man’s sense, intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses (687). Therefore, many acts the State requires will be unjustâ€â€they can and will force a man to slave for the sake of an ordeal he does not believe in. As Thoreau notes in Civil Disobedience, a wise man will only be useful as a man (678). In essence, Thoreau believes that a man who toils at any ruling institution’s bidding simply because it bid him to do so sacrifices his own facilities as a human being. He then becomes nothing more than a man put on a level with wood and earth and stones... Command[ing] no more respect than men of straw, or a lump of dirt (678). Another quotation that helps to explicate Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience is To be awake is to be alive. I have never yet met a man who was quite awake. In this phrase, Thoreau uses the term awake as an euphemism for being fully aware of one’s concept of right and fully in control of one’s moral and physical existence. Understandably, people who are consistently awake, in this sense of the word, are hard to find: There are nine hundred and ninety-nine patrons of virtue to one virtuous man (680). Also, the fact that Thoreau has never met a man who was quite awake implies that fully conscious individuals have difficulty existing in modernShow MoreRelatedBeing a Good Citizen Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesDoes good citizenship necessitate following the laws despite some kind of injustice within them? Are good citizens obliged to blindly follow the government policies? It follows then, what is good citizenship? Henry David Thoreau provides an adequate definition of good citizenship within his essay, Civil Disobedience; Thoreau discusses certain characteristics of a good citizen. Examples of Thoreaus definition exist in both the ancient and contemporary culture. Sophocles describes Antigone as a goodRead MoreSelf-Reliance and Good Citizenship in Henry David Thoreaus Essay, Civil Disobedience804 Words  | 4 PagesSelf-Reliance and Good Citizenship Civil Disobedience is an essay by Henry David Thoreau on the place of civil disobedience in society. It analyzes men in society, the folly of majority and most importantly of all, it analyzes good citizenship. It looks at what it means to be a good citizenship and the most recurring theme is self-reliance. He discusses obedience to principle, independence from the government, and intolerance of injustice, which are all just kinds of self-reliance. Self-Reliance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History of La Cosa Nostra Free Essays
Running Header: {History of La Cosa Nostra} History of La Cosa Nostra UNK Dr. Neal CJ 380 12. 01. We will write a custom essay sample on History of La Cosa Nostra or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2011 Envision a world where crime is king; a world where mobsters were more influential than political figures, controlled law enforcement, and ran cities to line their own pockets. They stole from whom they wanted and murdered those that got in their way. While it sounds like something out of a movie, it actually happened here in the United States in the first half of the 20th century. The American Mafia has evolved over the years as various gangs assumed and lost dominance: the Black Hand gangs around 1900; the Five Points Gang in the 1910s and ‘20s in New York City; Al Capone’s Syndicate in Chicago in the 1920s. Since the 1900s, thousands of Italian organized crime figures, mostly Sicilian Mafiosi, have come illegally to this country. The Italian Immigrants crowded into older lower class neighborhoods of American cities, sometimes given names such as â€Å"Little Italy†. These neighborhoods suffered from overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions. Living together in such closed communities created little more than a microcosm of the society they had left in Europe (par. 3, Black Hand). Some criminals exploited this fact, and began to extort the more prosperous Italian’s in their neighborhood creating a crime that would eventually snow-ball into an epidemic known as ‘The Black Hand’ (par. 3, Black Hand). The extortions were done anonymously by delivering threatening letters demanding money, signed with crudely drawn symbols, such as a knife or a skull. People paid the Black Hand extortionists in the fear that American law had no understanding, or power, to help them (par. , Black Hand). Many who fled here in the early 1920’s helped establish what is known today as La Cosa Nostra or the American Mafia (par. 10, FBI). La Cosa Nostra, or the LCN as it is known by the FBI, consists of different â€Å"families†or groups that are generally arranged geographically and engaged in significant and organ ized racketeering activity (par. 30, FBI). The LCN is most active in the New York metropolitan area, parts of New Jersey, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, and New England. It has members in other major cities and is involved in international crimes (par. 1, FBI). During the 1920s Prohibition era, when the 18th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution banned the sale, manufacture and transportation of alcoholic beverages, Italian-American gangs along with other ethnic gangs entered the booming bootleg liquor business and transformed themselves into sophisticated criminal enterprises, skilled at smuggling, money laundering and bribing police and other public officials (par 2, History Channel). By the end of the ‘20s, two primary factions had emerged, leading to a war for control of organized crime in New York City. The murder of faction leader Joseph Masseria brought an end to the gang warfare and in 1931 Sicilian-born crime boss Salvatore Maranzano crowned himself the â€Å"capo di tutti capi,†or boss of all bosses, in New York (par 3, History Channel). Two of the most powerful La Cosa Nostra families, known today as the Genovese and Gambino families emerged from Maranzano’s restructuring efforts. Maranzano named Luciano the first boss of what would later be known as the Genovese family. Unhappy with Maranzano’s power grab, Lucky Luciano had him murdered that same year (par 3, History Channel). Charles â€Å"Lucky†Luciano became the new leader. Luciano then masterminded the formation of a central organization called the Commission to serve as a sort of national board of directors for the American Mafia, which by then consisted of at least 20 crime families across the country (par 3, History Channel). New York, which had become America’s organized-crime capital, had been divided into five main Mafia families; everywhere else the Mafia operated, there was just one crime family per city. The Commission’s role was to set policies and mediate disagreements among the families (par 3, History Channel). In 1936, Luciano was sentenced to 30 to 50 years in prison. Ten years later, he was released from prison and deported to Italy, never to return. When he was convicted, Frank Costello became acting boss (par. 49, FBI). Costello led the family for approximately 20 years until May of 1957 when Genovese took control by sending soldier Vincent â€Å"the Chin†Gigante to murder him. Costello survived the attack but relinquished control of the family to Genovese. Attempted murder charges against Gigante were dismissed when Costello refused to identify him as the shooter (par. 50, FBI). In 1959, it was Genovese’s turn to go to prison following a conviction of conspiracy to violate narcotics laws. He received a 15-year sentence but continued to run the family through his underlings from his prison cell in Atlanta, Georgia (par. 51, FBI). The Genovese family went through a succession of bosses until Lombardo, his two captains in prison and his health failing, turned full control of the Genovese family over to Gigante, the man who tried to kill Costello 30 years earlier (par. 56, FBI). Gigante ran the family from behind the scenes while pretending to be mentally ill until he was convicted of racketeering and murder conspiracy in December 1997. Gigante’s odd behavior and mumbling while he walked around New York’s East Village in a bathrobe earned him the nickname â€Å"the Odd Father†(par. 58, FBI). The other powerful New York mafia family was the Gambino Family. The Gambino family was named for its most powerful boss, Carlo Gambino, a smart, cunning individual with a fascination for the works of Prince Machiavelli. His sharp business sense, and traditional values, earned him the respect of his allies. Don Carlo was never arrested during his career as boss, and he died of natural causes in 1976, leaving brother-in-law Paul Castellano in charge of operations. From 1976 until his assassination by John Gotti in 1985, Castellano would come to be known as the â€Å"Boss of Bosses†. Big Paulie Castellano was never a mobster in the classic sense, but rather a racketeer. He didn’t even hang out with other gangsters, preferring the company of businessmen, and other â€Å"important†individuals. Castellano had few enemies, but John Gotti believed Aniello Dellacroce should have been made boss, and he had often been chastised by Castellano for dealing drugs and conducting operations without prior consultation. When Big Paulie was arrested by the FBI after bugs planted in the mobsters home had provided several hours of recorded evidence, rumors began to circulate as to whether he would rat out fellow Gambino Family members, John Gotti, now acting in lieu of Dellacroce who had recently died of brain cancer, decided it was time to plan Big Paulie’s retirement (par. 1, Gambino Family/Paul Castellano). Castellano was gunned down outside Sparks Steakhouse in Manhatten as Gottie and Sammy the Bull Gravano watched from a nearby car. Throughout the 80s, Gotti earned the nickname, the â€Å"Teflon Don†; for none of the charges brought against him would stick†¦ At least until the early 90s, when he was indicted and tried on a RICO (Racketeer Influenced, and Corrupt Organizations) case; this time facing a prosecution armed with mobster turned informant Sammy â€Å"The Bull†Gravano, who had been Gotti’s own underboss, and who provided damning testimony against his former boss, particularly about about the Castellano murder. Gotti was sentenced to life imprisonment, and later made several attempts at a second trial, all of which were denied. John Gotti died of cancer in the Springfield, Missouri federal prison hospital, on June 10th, 2002 (par. 1, Gambino Family/ John Gotti). Another of the five families is the Bonanno crime family, originally headed by then twenty-six-year-old Joseph â€Å"Joe Bananas†Bonanno, Sicilian-born and one of the youngest bosses of all time. The Bonanno War or â€Å"Banana Split†occurred when the Commission demoted Bonanno to underboss, sparking fervent family in-fighting among those who sided with Bonanno and those who sided with the new boss, Paul Sciacca. The fighting continued until 1968, when Bonanno suffered a heart attack and retired, though by this point the Commission had stripped the Bonanno family of its seat (par. 3, Investigation and Discovery). Troubles with the law have plagued the family, leading one newspaper to report that 75 of its 150 members have been indicted on various charges (par. 5, Investigation and Discovery/ Bonanno). The Columbo Family is the fourth of the five families. Following the Castellamarese War of 1929-1931, the family emerged as the Profaci family. It was headed by Joseph Profaci, without much threat to his leadership, until the 1950s. After Profaci’s death, Joseph Magliocco took over for a short time before the family was handed over to Joe Colombo, and the family bears his namesake to this day (par. , Investigation and Discovery/ Columbo). The family has been greatly depleted from its heyday, and continues to be ruled by Carmine Persico, now 73 years old, from prison with help from those family members who remain on the ground (par. 6, Investigation and Discovery/ Columbo). The Fifth Family, the Lucchese crime family, as it is known today, emerged out of the Castellamarese War of 1929-1931 , with Gaetano â€Å"Tommy†Gagliano serving as the appointed boss and Gaetano â€Å"Tommy†Lucchese as the appointed underboss. The family was known for its successful forays into industries such as trucking and clothing. Following Gagliano’s death in 1953, Lucchese took over and successfully ran the organization for many years with an excellent reputation. He never received a criminal conviction in his 44 years in the Mafia (par. 1, Investigation and Discovery/ Lucchese). By the mid-20th century, there were 24 known crime families in America, comprised of an estimated 5,000 full-fledged members and thousands of associates across the country. Prior to the 1960s, some government leaders, including FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, voiced skepticism about the existence of a national Italian-American organized crime network and suggested instead that crime gangs operated strictly on a local level. As a result, law enforcement agencies made few inroads in stopping the Mafia’s rise during this period (par. 6, History Channel). Since its beginnings La Cosa Nostra has been involved in a variety of rackets including gambling, loan sharking, labor union corruption, prostitution, and drug trafficking to name a few. Labor unions provide a rich source for organized criminal groups to exploit: their pension, welfare, and health funds. There are approximately 75,000 union locals in the U. S. , and many of them maintain their own benefit funds. In the mid-1980s, the Teamsters controlled more than 1,000 funds with total assets of more than $9 billion (par. 66, FBI). Labor racketeers attempt to control health, welfare, and pension plans by offering â€Å"sweetheart†contracts, peaceful labor relations, and relaxed work rules to companies, or by rigging union elections (par. 67, FBI). Labor law violations occur primarily in large cities with both a strong industrial base and strong labor unions, like New York, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Senator Estes Kefauver’s Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime did not out rightly expose the complete, brutal reality of the Mafia to the American public. Nor did the Appalachian incident ignite immediate action on the part of the federal government. However, something changed when dozens of Mafia bosses met one 1957 November day at Joseph Barbara’s estate to select Vito Genovese as the boss of bosses. The response by law enforcement of the past had been to try to take down the bosses. But what became evident with the realization of the existence of such a â€Å"syndicate†was that even if Mr. Big were removed, his family would remain intact; it would simply transfer hands, usually resulting in the family being renamed. New legislation would have to be of an entirely different mold in order to be of any use to law enforcement, and such a campaign wouldn’t come into play until after the death of FBI Director Edgar J. Hoover (par. 9, The Mafia and American Law). In 1970, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, this proved to be a powerful tool in the government’s war on the Mafia, as it allowed prosecutors to go after crime families and their sources of revenue, both legal and illegal. During the 1980s and 1990s, RICO laws were used to convict numerous high-level mobsters. Some Mafiosi, faced with long prison sentences, broke the once-sacred code of omerta and testified against their fellow mobsters in exchange for a place in the federal witness-protection program. At the same time, Mafia membership declined as insular Italian-American neighborhoods, once a traditional recruiting ground for mobsters, underwent demographic shifts and became more assimilated into society at large (par. 7, History Channel). References GangRule. com, The Black Hand. (2011). Retrieved 6:52, December 7, 2011, from http://www. gangrule. com/gangs/the-black-hand Italian Organized Crime, (2011). The Federal Bureau of Investigation website. Retrieved 2:32, December 7, 2011, from http://www. fbi. ov/aboutus/investigate/organizedcrime/italian_mafia Mafia in the United States. (2011). The History Channel website. Retrieved 5:25, December 7, 2011, from http://www. history. com/topics/mafia-in-the-united-states. The Five Families. (2011). The Investigation Discovery website. Retrieved 2:32, December 7, 2011, from http://investigation. discovery. com/investigation/mobs-gangsters/five-families-03. html The Gambino Family. (2002). The Gambino Family website. Retrieved 6:52, Dece mber 7, 2011, from http://www. gambinofamily. com/carlo_gambino. htm How to cite History of La Cosa Nostra, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why sleep is important free essay sample
Why sleep is important sy utt1eMisssree Sleep is food for are Brain. Just like your body, We need the right food to help develop and support are growing body. Are 3rains go through a process every time we sleep called memory consolidation, What this does IS, When we are sleeping are brains go through everything that happened throughout our day and makes them long-term memories. If we arent sleeping well are brains cant make this process happen, Which can cause memory loss. Without Sleep (Brain Food) are brains wont be able to unction properly, lust like are body wouldnt be able to function without the right healthy foods. Protein, fruits, veggies and dont forget your water! ) Sleep can affect your health In many ways. Sleep affects fat regulation, If you dont get enough sleep your body will store fat, yes store It! unlike If you get a full mghts sleep your body will be able to know what to do with the tat when you take It In and will be able burn t. We will write a custom essay sample on Why sleep is important or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Make sure you are eating the right kinds ot tat though, coconut oil, olive oil. avocadoes. seeds, nuts etc. Bad tats such as, Fried food, sugar, flour. argarine, and soon can store as fat even If Ã'Ÿure getting a good night sleep. Nso not sleeping can cause you to eat too much BAD food, and to much caffeine. Your body shouldnt rely on coffee or energy drinks to give you energy. your body should rely on sleep for energy. yes sleep! People that dont get enough sleep has a higher percentage of getting over-weight than people who get a good night sleep every night. NM wait am minute, Im not saying that just because you start getting a good night sleep, youre magically going to wake up one morning with a six, pack and a fabulous butt. What I am saying though, is your body needs sleep to help fat regulation. Can lack of sleep really put my life at risk? The answer is yes it Can! Sleep Keeps are heart healthy, Sleep interacts with Our blood vessels, so lack Of sleep has been related With vnrsening Of blood pressure and cholesterol, all risks leading to heart disease and stroke! Not sleeping can lead to Cancer! People Who work night shifts, or have late bedtimes, time after time again, have a higher percent chance Of getting Breast and/or Colon Cancer! Sleep reduces Inflammation in the body. The more stress hormones (
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Lilith - The Female Demon in Beloved, by Toni Morrison essays
Lilith - The Female Demon in Beloved, by Toni Morrison essays Lilith is a poignant character in Jewish, Christian, and Greek Mythology, who is generally perceived as a female demon. Theologians believe Lilith to be an evil demon that controls a certain number of animals, and it wasn't until nearly 100 A.D. that visual depictions appear of her and her animals. Lilith is also related to motherhood because Lilith represents the power that women draw from giving birth. In short, Lilith is a demon that is deceitful in every manner: socially, physically, and mentally. In Shirley A. Stave's criticism, Toni Morrison's Beloved and the Vindication of Lilith, Stave explains Toni Morrison's use of the myth Lilith in her novel, Beloved, and how Morrison explores the artifacts of motherhood in Beloved with great ebullience. Stave correctly identifies instances when Morrison employs Biblical allusions, adulthood, and parallelisms between the legend and the novel itself. Stave makes her point clear; the role of motherhood in Beloved is represented by the female demon, Lilith. Although Stave makes this argument with much support from other criticisms and Biblical references, she doesn't divulge Morrison's true function of having Lilith be present in Beloved: Lilith is Beloved. One must see that Beloved is the literal representation of Lilith to fully comprehend the deceitful acts of Beloved. Throughout Morrison's novel, Beloved, is put in different situations that make her portray Lilith. The mentality of Beloved comes from Lilith. Most of Beloved's actions directly mirror the Bible's text when describing what Lilith is. In the Bible, Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and are banished from the Garden of Eden because Lilith played a role in the decision of Eve. For this to be portrayed in Beloved, Morrison uses Paul D and Beloved, Beloved of course being Lilith. Beloved approaches Paul D when he is vulnerable and asks him to, "[T]ouch me on the inside part" (Morrison 137). ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium Research Paper
Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium - Research Paper Example The next thing is the connection between the law of diminishing marginal utility and the law of demand. The article describes the law of diminishing marginal utility that every additional unit brings lower satisfaction than the previous one. Therefore, every additional unit is given a lower price. Thus it is connected with the law of demand that the lower the price the higher the quantity demanded. Demand is defined as the willingness and ability of a consumer to buy a product. It is inversely related to price. When the price of good increases, its demand decreases and vice versa. The quantity of a good the consumer is willing to buy at specific prices is called a demand schedule. It shows how demand changes with the price. The graphical presentation of a demand schedule is called a demand curve. Utility is relevant to our course as we need to know about utility of a product to clear our views about what people pursue and pay for. Demand and its connection with the law of diminishing utility is also significant as we need to know about demand to see what people want and how much they want of a specific commodity and thus decide how it can be supplied. (Schafermeyer, 2000) Now the price change only changes the quantity demanded of a product but there are certain factors that change the entire demand of a product. ... In addition to that, the number of consumers is also directly proportional to demand. Consumer tastes and preferences have a strong impact on the demand as well. A good might be cheaper but the consumer may reject it if it doesn’t suit him. Moreover, if consumers expect the price to rise, they buy more of the existing stock and thus the demand increases. When the demand increases, the curve shifts towards the right and when it falls it shifts towards the left. The factors affecting the demand are a part of the learning requirement of our course as they change a force that controls the market. (Schafermeyer, 2000) The article defines Supply as the willingness and ability of a firm to produce a good at given price in a certain time period. Like demand, supply also has a relation with price but it is a direct one instead of an indirect one. When the price of a good rises, its supply rises. The quantity of a good supplied at a range of prices is called a supply schedule. The graph ical presentation of the supply schedule is called supply curve. The supply curve and its basics are also significant according to the syllabus as the second force controlling the market. (Schafermeyer, 2000) Apart from price, the cost of production also affects the supply. If the production costs are high then the producers will be reluctant to produce the good to avoid losses at lower prices. The number of sellers in a market also determines how much quantity will be supplied. Furthermore, the price of related goods also affects the supply of an object as the producers will shift to the good with a higher price. Lastly, if a seller expects the price to go up in some time then he will reduce the supply and wait for the right time to
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Public Safety and Privacy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Public Safety and Privacy Analysis - Essay Example Back in the 1970's the Supreme Court tackled in the case of Roe v. Wade the issues of pregnancy and even abortion as private matters (Chaiten, 2004). Today, however, the shift is on making the aspects of private realm as pertinent concerns of the state, especially when it comes to the issue of public safety. In the case of People v. Samson, the court ruled upon the rights of a parolee. The facts of the case focus on the encounter between the parolee and a police officer. It was September 6, 2002 police officer Alex Rohleder, while patrolling, saw and recognized the parolee Donald Curtis Samson whom he heard from his colleagues as having 'a parolee at large warrant.' Rohleder approached and inquired. Samson declared that he was then 'in good standing with his parole agent.' All the same, police officer Rohleder decided to conduct a search and justified the said search by claiming that as a parolee, there is a need to make sure that Samson obeys the laws and rules. It is a mere privilege that Samson has been set out of prison and he will be discharged Samson if he has 'nothing illegal.' There is actually a condition on Samson's parole that grants any officer the right to search at any time whether or not there is a warrant. This is a valid condition and it is implemented to all parolees i n the State of California. The police officer found cigarette box and discovered a plastic bag with methamphetamine. Samson was arrested. Samson filed a motion to suppress evidence, but this was denied. He was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment. He appealed before the Court of Appeals which affirmed the validity of the parole search. Analysis There are some situations and events that people undergo at present that are claimed to justify the interference of the state into what used to be purely private matters. This can be attributed to the onset of globalization and the too many changes it has brought to the society. It is a fact that most of the crimes committed today are those that goes beyond what the public can right away see. Some people are molested, harmed and harassed, even if there is no physical contact because of the internet and computer technology. Also, the terrorism that the whole world was able to witness in September 11, 2001 has left many people constantly paranoid of their safety in the public and in their homes. Evidently, these events called for the sudden reshaping of state laws and policies. These also prompted the need to shift paradigms and for the state to pry into the private realm to reveal any bad intent that may cause damage to the public. To many people, the question still remains. Who shall delineate the line on what remains private and what is public when the need arises Who shall say that the government can intervene in most private decisions an individual or household shall make (Chaiten, 2004) How shall every private individual be assured that the rule of law will constantly be implemented and that the inquiry into the public realm is justified This cannot go unresolved as people have witnessed how tendency to abuses and prejudices can harm a small number of people out there. The State is inviolable. Its general principles lie in serving the people that constitute it. Yet, it remains as a mere legal concept. Its
Monday, January 27, 2020
Introduction To Leadership Following And Communication Management Essay
Introduction To Leadership Following And Communication Management Essay Introduction to Leadership Leadership is a very important interpersonal behavior that a managerial position employee or employer should have. What is leadership anyway? The definition of leadership is: Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Northouse (2007, p3) There are four main factors in leadership which will greatly affect the quality of an individual to be a leader: Leader As a leader, he must be able to gain the trust from the followers, as nobody else will determine whether the leader is successful or not. In order to gain trust from them, the leader must have a good understanding on who he is, what he know and what he can do. If he failed to be honest to himself, the followers will lack of confidence on him and left uninspired. Followers For a successful leader, he must do his work and know the nature of his every single follower. By doing this, he will be able to have a good understanding of the followers nature, needs, emotions and motivation, as the followers play an important role of getting the job done. Communication Always lead through two-way communication. Feedback will be useful when collecting data and information needed for making decisions. Besides, while receiving feedback or suggestions from the followers, the leader can know what the followers needs and problem. At the same time, it is also consider an act of concerning the welfare of the followers. Situation Every situation that a leader had faced before might be different with another. Therefore, whenever a new situation happens, a leader must observe carefully and use his judgment to decide the best way of solving the situation or else the problem will be still existing and causing more problems. Question A According to Weber (1947), charisma is described as a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which s/he is set apart from the ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically, exceptional power or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader. Such leaders have a very charming, persuasive personality about them, whom are skilled at communicating with others and can be very convincing at times. Many leaders are looked on as born naturally with charisma, but it does not mean it cannot be acquired. Charisma is often considered as to be a trait, an internal character which is acquired. However, charisma is an exception, as it is inborn in everyone but at different quantities. But this does not mean the level of inborn charisma is static throughout our lifetime. Developing other characters such as communication and social skills may further enhance ones charisma levels. Charisma also depends on people perception. A person is only charismatic if people feel he or she is charismatic. So, charisma can be acquired. Charisma is not a mandatory requirement to be an effective leader. Many world leaders today do not possess much of charisma, but nonetheless, remain as leaders of their nations. Other factors such as creativity and innovation can drive a leader towards effectiveness. Trust is another factor that can be forged between a leader and follower which leads to a more effective leadership, with the absence of any charisma. Charisma can be considered as an additional boost but not a requirement to become an effective leader as they may have other leadership qualities. Even without charisma, one can still be an effective leader. Question B Charismatic leadership is not the same as transformational leadership. Both of the leadership have a different concept from each other. Charismatic leadership can be defined as people with a great confidence in themselves, having a clear vision of their actions and most importantly, they have their own individual charm, personality or influence over the society. Charismatic leaders are able to know the needs of their supporters. Therefore they can create a vision that will allow everyone to know future will be improved (Awan, 2010). Martin Luther King, Jr. is a good example of a charismatic leader. He is able to include a vision of colour blind society within the Americans value. He inspired the Americans to accept Afro-Americans in the country and give equal treatment to them. On the other hand, transformational leadership is a leadership that helps subordinates to improve themselves and create a better vision for them so that they can become a leader as well. Transformational leaders focus more on motivations, inspirations and encouragements. Besides that, they have good communication skills which allow them to build good relationship with others (Kurnik, 2010). They also appreciate their subordinates efforts, ideas and contributions so that they will continue to work harder. One good example of a transformational leader is Abraham Lincoln. He is one of the greatest presidents of The United States. He had a vision for the country, which is develop the country into a successful country. Sometimes he visited his front lines troops to encourage and motivate them so that they do not lose their spirit. Transformational leadership and transactional leadership are both different types of leadership. In transformational leadership, subordinates are expected to achieve higher than their original goals. However, in transactional leadership, subordinates are motivated at a normal standard level. Transactional leaders also relate rewards that are desired by subordinates with the goals and achievements. Besides that, transactional leaders only provide necessary resources to their subordinates and clarify their expectations. They will only monitor their subordinates from aside but only involved when the performances standard is not met. Other than that, transformational leaders focused on the ends while transactional leaders negotiated over the means (Sir MacGregor Burns, 1978), which means transactional leaders focus on the whole process while transformational only focus on the achievements or results. Question C Culture is briefly described as the group norms, beliefs and values that makes an organizational unique and also, defines its nature of business. Organizational culture, referred as corporate culture in some organization is the system consisting of shared actions, formal rituals, procedures and protocol, values that develops in the organization to act as guidance on how the members should behave. Strong culture refers to an organization that has a deeply shared value system and the norms and beliefs are followed by the members without fail. As a result, it leads to higher level of business performance. Being able to understand one another, they are able to synchronize, improving their efficiency and effectiveness without wasting the organizations time and resources. In addition to that, a stable social system is developed and the need for bureaucratic controls is reduced. Organizational culture would also impede the business progress of an organization, as Fons Trompenaars [1] stated that culture is the way in which a group of people solves problems. Thus, choices to solve the problems and how may vary as the cultures vary in different organizations. Rather, they would agree on other peoples idea but their own. As stated by Bruce M. Tharp, there are four types of organizational cultures that impede business progress. They consist of control, compete, collaborate, and create. Firstly, control or hierarchy culture is the rules and procedures that guide the members to perform their tasks and control their behavior. Strong culture would impede business progress, because members would not respond to any changes in the organization as they adapted to the shared value system. For example, members of the organization are always given extra time to prepare for incoming projects but the new rule (change) enforced states that the extra time is unnecessary and members have to start the projects as soon as they receive them. Next is compete, otherwise referred to as market culture. Fierce competition from other organizations is also another factor, making it harder for the organization to achieve its goal and success in the market. The organization has to be both efficient and effective to provide a strong competition. However, strong culture impedes faster learning and improvement to the organization which could result in losing the business to competitors. Moving on to collaborate, also known as clan culture is to describe the organization as a whole team. By coming together as a team to tackle problems, problems can be solved quickly. However, this would impede business progress by having the same point of views. There are no second or third opinions involved as the members would have the similar mindset and way of thinking. Therefore, the members would agree on the decision without thinking much from a different perspective or comparing opinions. One of the last culture that impede business progress is create/adhocracy culture. Being flexible and innovative is also important in assuring the organizations and business success, as well as being ahead of others. Creativity is also a part of the adhocracy culture. However, the strong culture of sharing the same values and beliefs would prove difficult for members to come up with fresh and innovative ideas. In addition to strong culture, members of the organization are not able to adapt and troubleshoot complex problems. In the end, strong culture impedes the progression of business. Conclusion Leadership is an essential value for managerial person, no matter in which area the person in. Therefore, one must do his best on setting a good example to the followers and trust their ability to complete their work, so the followers will be inspired and always give their best towards the leader or the organization. Even though that theory can understand and memorize easily, one must still put some effort on practicing on it as it cannot be obtained easily like a technical skills. Furthermore, when a person has leadership lies within himself, the followers will believe and respect the decision made by the leader, and thus perform the work efficiently and effectively. In conclusion, the organization will be benefit and the employees will do their best all the time.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Macbeth :: essays research papers
Macbeth is a popular play written by William Shakespeare, which is a tragedy. In order for Macbeth to be crowned king, King Duncan would have to die. There are two main characters in the play that want the power from Duncan and are too anxious to wait. Those two characters are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Lady Macbeth was the one who came up with the ideas and schemes to kill King Duncan. Whenever Macbeth would be unsuccessful through the process of killing Duncan, she would back him up. Although Macbeth wanted to get out of murdering Duncan he couldn’t. To make Macbeth kill Duncan Lady Macbeth had to constantly manipulated Macbeth. Duncan is Macbeth’s cousin so it would be harder for Macbeth to stab him to death while he’s sleeping.      When Macbeth sent Lady Macbeth a letter saying that Duncan was going to stay with them for the night and then leave the next morning, she was already starting to plan out his murder. Through the process of killing Duncan, there would always be something that Macbeth would not do right, and so Lady Macbeth would have to do it over. In (2.2 62-64) Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"why did you bring these daggers from this place? They must lie there, go carry then and smear the sleepy grooms with blood.†Then again in (2.2 65- 67) Macbeth reacted â€Å"I’ll go no more, I am afraid to think what I have done look on’t again I dare not.†When Macbeth killed Duncan, he forgot to leave the daggers by the drunken chamberlains, he was already regretting killing Duncan. When he returned to the castle, Lady Macbeth was surprised to see him holding the bloody daggers. Afterward when Macbeth refused to bring the two bloody daggers back; Lady Macbeth took them out of his hands and went to the chamber where Duncan laid dead. When Lady Macbeth came back into the castle she says, (2.2 80-86) â€Å"My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white. I hear a knocking at the south entry retire we to our chambers. A little water clears us of this deed: how simple is it then.†When she returned from the chamber saying that her hands or the same color as. I’m covered in the same blood as yours are. Someone is coming let us get to our chamber and pretend like we were
Saturday, January 11, 2020
History: Questions Essay
5. Compare and contrast policies, factors influencing success and outcomes achieved by the following â€Å"Asian Miracle†countries: Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Laos. After the end of World War 2, East Asia experienced a rapid economic growth which lasted till 1990; before the Asian Financial Crisis. The countries that achieved substantial growth were Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. These countries were referred to as the Asian Tigers and they were known for achieving and maintaining incomparably high growth rates and rapid industrialization between 1960 and 1990 (Lall, 1996). By the 21st century, the Asian Tigers had grown into high-income and advanced economies (Page, 1994). Initially, these countries were not expected to achieve such rapid growth as compared to Western countries (Amsden,1993). The other countries which were not far behind from the five miracle economies were Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. These countries were known as the Second-Generation Tigers. However, less fortunate countries such as the former French Indochina (Focusing on Vietnam and Laos) remained lagged in terms of development. Source: Summers and Heston (1991). Barro (1989). World Bank data. Figure 1 shows the eight HPAEs; all have a positive outlier in the income-growth distribution. While Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia are closer to the predicted values, the other five economies, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong, are significantly above the predicted Gross Domestic Product growth rates on the basis of relative income level. From this chart, it is concluded that all of the HPAEs were catching up to the more developed countries. This essay analyses the causes that led to the difference in development between the Asian Tigers (5 miracle countries), Second-Generation Tigers (Second-tier countries) and the least developed ones. This essay will also state the multiple factors which led to the countries’ divergent paths and compare and analyse the impacts of each factor. The factors that will be expounded on are: (1) Economic Policies, (3) Factors influencing success and lastly, (4) Domestic and Regional Political outcomes. In 1960, the companies that achieved high growth rates and rapid industrialization were addressed as High Performing Asian Economies of Northeast Asia (HPEAs) of Northeast Asia and the Second-tier were referred to as Newly Industrialising Economies (NIEs) of Southeast Asia (Fisher & Rotemberg, 1994). Key events such as colonialism, decolonisation and the cold war played a part in this phenomenon as it contributed to the building of HPEAs and NIEs economies. Colonialism Majority of HPEAs and NIEs countries used to be under colonial rule except for Thailand and Japan. Both Thailand and Japan used various methods to run their country; two of their main methods where their geographical location and resources available (Andressen, 2002). During the colonial era, majority of Southeast Asian countries used to have higher GDPs than Northeast Asian miracles; in the early 19th century, countries like Burma and Vietnam were wealthier than Taiwan, which GDP was $499 in 1820. During that period, both Malaysia and Indonesia’s GDP topped Taiwan and Korea until the 1940s, during the fall of colonisation. Burma and Vietnam owed most of its achievements to colonial institutions and natural resources. Unfortunately, colonialism did everything but good for both countries’ welfare (Easterly, 1994). The aim of colonialism was to acquiring full or partial political control over both countries, occupy it with settlers and exploit it economically. The Dutch, for example, introduced social classification and applied a divide-and-rule method to attain superiority over the indigenous people while exploiting them to work in plantations. The Dutch did not teach the colonies any form of manufacturing as they had no intention to invest in human resources. Similarly, British Malaya had its resources drained by colonists and when the colonist left, the countries that made up British Malaya declared independence. These independent countries continued to carry out the colonial style of administration; as this once produced significant profits, and system without the knowledge of manufacturing. The Asian Tigers: Korea & Taiwan In contrast, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, which were colonised by Japan and Britain, did not own many natural resources. Little was to be exploited from those colonies as the colonist only found their geographical location and labourers of use. Unlike Korea and Taiwan, which were the main hub of food production and labour-intensive industries, Singapore and Hong Kong were used as import harbours. This put Singapore and Hong Kong at an advantage as basic education was provided and allowed them to gain the upper hand in industrialization when they gained independence. In 1960, during the Cold War, when political and military tension grew between both Western Bloc and Eastern Bloc, the economies of Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore were not affected. These Asian countries were not affected as they had leaders who put communal interests over personal benefits. Both private companies and governments of HPEAs worked together and collaborated. This act is attributed to the Confucian culture which majority of Asian countries practice. The Confucian culture emphasises on prioritising of community over individual (Johnson, 1982). Their economic strategies constituted of advanced industries supported by exceptional human resources, export-oriented, market-adjusting state interventions, efficient bureaucrats and institutional cooperation consisting of both government and certain companies. Korea and Taiwan, both former Japanese colonies, promoted their local companies and invested in improving their human resources skill and technological capability by following the Japanese model with their own adaptation (Beasley, 1987). They also used protectionist policies; such as tariffs, to ensure that their immature domestic market would not be forced to compete with foreign products. For the Koreans, their post-war economic strategy was to obtain knowledge from developed countries to adopt foreign technology. This was done to provide a foundation for its domestic industries (Woronoff, 1992). Korea’s oligopolistic development model was founded in 1960, under authoritative administration of Park Chung Hee. This development model was made up of collaboration between conglomerates called chaebols. Chaebols consisted of successful exporting companies that were chosen and given privileges (Wad, 2002). Korea’s development was also supported by its human resources. Its human resource were organised in military-like discipline. Gradually, after gaining independence from Japan, Taiwan entered into industrialisation stage by allowing government bodies to supervise its development. In 1950, the Economic Planning Institution was started. The Economic Stabilisation Board executed the first four-years of economic plans, continued by Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) who was tasked with national and regional planning (Kuznets, 1959). CEPD coordinated with ministries to ensure that development would be done according to plan but they had no authority to supervise. Government involvement could also be seen through the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ role in outlining which subdivision should be supported and this included industries of which Taiwan is reputable for: machinery, electronics, and telecommunications. In mid 1960, the government built export-allocated zones which were easy to access from harbours and airports. To stimulate export, customs and taxes were reduced and low interest loans were promoted. In 1980, labour skills gradually improved and this also resulted in the improvement of the education sector. Meanwhile, the NIEs and other less fortunate countries such as Vietnam and Laos; although predicted to be the next tigers following the success of their Northeast Asian counterparts, could not catch up with HPEAs. Some of the NIEs formed a ‘neo-patrimonial’ state. Neo-patrimonial is classified by having inefficient bureaucracy, nepotistic leaders and unstable authority. These nepotistic leaders show favouritism and public interest becomes second priority. This leads to poor economic growth along with disorganised policies. Furthermore, unlike the HPEAs that benefited from having a relatively homogenous ethnicity, Southeast Asian countries were diverse. This diversity in ethnic groups made it difficult for the ethnic groups to understand each other. In addition, due to the Cold War, the former French Indochina suffered severe political instability and economic collapse. The Second Generation Tigers: Thailand & Malaysia Similarly, Thailand and Malaysia both failed to achieve HPEAs success. In 1980, Malaysia tried to adapt HPEAs intervention model, but failed implement their policies. Thailand, on the other hand, was hindered by political instability (Unger, 1995). In Malaysia’s case, participation of local companies was low and foreign companies played a greater role in Malaysia’s economy (Lubeck, 1992). Also, local companies depended on foreign technology and the country’s demand for advanced technical skills was not fulfilled. Furthermore, there was an ethnic divide between the indigenous people and Chinese. This prevented cohesive cooperation in both Thailand and Malaysia As for Thailand, the government, shareholders and military were unable to cooperate. The military would occasionally launch coup attempts and such attempts disrupted both political stability and economic activities. Vietnam & Laos Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were the main Southeast Asian countries with poor economies. These countries’ economic problems were the result of internal conflicts (Tran Van Tho, 2003). The conflicts in Vietnam and Laos resulted in the victory of the communist party and as for Cambodia, the democratic government ruled. In 1970s, Vietnam was exhausted and isolated due to its involvement with the conflict between Cambodia and USA. Due to the conflict, Vietnam became one of the poorest countries in the region. Realising the need to fix their economic condition, Vietnam adapted a reformist pace by allowing private ownership in small to medium enterprises and opened itself to investments (Brown, 1995). This move led to Vietnam’s economic prospers, though lagging behind its capitalist neighbours. Vietnam currently relies on raw and secondary products (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2014). Cambodia and Laos were both alienated from being one of the Asian Miracle. Laos, being in between Thailand and Vietnam became a heated political theatre during the Cold War. Although Laos reformed it’s economic sector simultaneously with Vietnam, its economic growth pace was slow as the country relied on natural resources, agriculture and low skilled labourers. Only in early 1990 did Laos manage to expand its industry and attract foreign investors. To summarise, this essay has argued that the Asian miracle was an uneven phenomenon that only happened to some countries. It also states how rapid economic growth occurred in the eight East Asian countries; mainly focussing on Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. Furthermore, the common denominators of success: (1) maintaining macroeconomic stability, (2) broad-based educational strategies, (3) export growth, and (4) insignificance of industrial policy have been discussed upon. This essay argues that export push was a successful strategy, while industrial policy was â€Å"insignificant.†In conclusion, the substantial achievements of the HPEAs were owed to the collaboration of both companies and the government whose goal was to build a sustainable economy for the country. Majority of the Asian Tigers (First- tiers) were not blessed with plenty of natural resources but they managed to improve by investing in human resources and value-added goods. In addition, these countries also showed a strong unity among the society, government, and businessmen. The government’s authoritative nature created stability and helped to bring about positive impacts on the economy. The second-tier managed to get closer to the first-tiers due to the resources available. However, the second-tiers did not manage to draw alongside or surpass the first-tiers as they relied on low value-added goods, raw materials and low wage labourers. Also, their governments personal interests and corruption hindered the countries development. Citation Amsden, A. H. (1993). Why isn’t the whole world experimenting with the East Asian model to develop? Review of the World Bank’s East Asian Miracle Report, to appear in Symposium on the World Bank’s East Asian Miracle Report, in World Development. Andressen, C. A. (2002). Short History of Japan: from Samurai to Sony, Allen & Unwin. St. Leonards. Beasley, W. G.(1987). Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945, Oxford University Press, New York. Brown, FZ ‘The Economic Development of Vietnam Laos, and Cambodia’ in Young C Kim (ed.), The Southeast Asian Economic Miracle, Transaction Publishers, London, 1995 pp. 85-104 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, The New ASEANS: Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, & Laos, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 September 2014]. Easterly, W. (1994). Explaining miracles: Growth regressions meet the gang of four. In NBER, East Asian seminar on economics 1993, T. Ito and A. O. Krueger (eds.). Johnson, C. (1982). MITI and The Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975, Stanford University Press, Stanford. Kuznets, S. (1959). Six lectures on economic growth. Glencoe, IL: Free Press. Lall, S.(1996). Learning from the Asian Tigers, Macmillan Press Ltd., London. Lubeck, PM ‘Malaysian Industrialization, Ethnic Division, and the NIC Model’, in RP Appelbaum & J Henderson (eds.), States and Development in Asia Pacific Rim, Sage Publications, London, 1992, p.177-181 Page, J. ‘The East Asian Miracle: Four Lessons for Development Policy’, in S Fisher & J J Rotemberg (eds.), NBER Macroeconomics Annual, MIT Press 1994, pp. 219-282 Tran Van Tho. (2003). ‘Economic development in Vietnam during the second half of the 20th century: How to avoid the danger of lagging behind’ in Binh Tran Nam and Chi Do Pham (eds) The Vietnamese Economy: Awakening the dorming dragon. RoutledCurzon. Unger, D. (1995). ‘Government and Business in Thailand’, in Young C Kim (ed.), The Southeast Asian Economic Miracle, Transaction Publishers, London, 1995 pp.137-158 Wad, P ‘The Political Business of Development in South Korea’, in Edmund Terrence Gomez (ed.) Political Business in East Asia, Routledge, London & New York, 2002 pp. 182-215 World Bank, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 90-92 Woronoff, J.(1992). Asia’s Miracle Economies, 2nd ed., M. E. Sharpe Publisher. New York.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Will Bury Business Proposal - 1026 Words
Will Bury Business Proposal Will Bury Business Proposal To maintain its health with the current economic conditions a business must remain competitive and increase profits. Will Bury developed technology that will allow him to convert printed text to into a digital format for reading or an audio format for listening. Will Bury holds the patent to his technology that makes his business a monopoly. This gives him an advantage by creating a barrier to entry for competitors. Although he has had his business for a few years, Will Bury has not been able to make it profitable enough to allow him to quit his full-time job. Additionally, he does not know how to market or price his product. Recommendations will be†¦show more content†¦Reducing Cost A successful business is always looking for ways to reduce its costs while increasing its revenues. Several recommendations are made for Will Bury that will aid in reducing costs. He can allow his employees to work from home. This will prevent overhead c osts by avoiding the costs associated with renting office space. Another recommendation is that Will Bury negotiate the price for royalties to a lower rate as his product becomes more popular. Assumptions and Recommendations Assumptions were made while determining recommendations for Will Bury. It is assumed that he is running a monopoly and that he owns the patent to the technology he is using. If so these are barriers to entry for others. Another assumption is that Will Bury will hire a full-time employee who works 40 hours per week without benefits. It is also assumed that the cost of the current website Will is using is $100 per month and that it would only cost $500 to build a new digitizer. It is recommend that Will Bury hire an employee from the United States to allow for his oversight and to avoid any issues that lack of involvement in this crucial stage of business may bring about. I also recommend that the price for both the lapsed copyright material and the copyrighted m aterial remain at the current price while increasing marketing. The increased sales generated from the increased marketingShow MoreRelatedWill Bury Business Proposal771 Words  | 4 PagesIgbodipe Team Ds View on Economic’s in the World Introduction The objectives for week two are to 1) identify production level to maximize profits, 2) explain how to balance fixed and variable costs, 3) and apply economic cost concepts in making business decisions. The group discussed these objectives and came to the following conclusions. 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